Welcome to Mundo de Paz, a Spanish-Speaking Church Community!!! (Haga clic aquí para obtener una traducción al español de esta página.)

Mundo do Paz a faith based Church with a message of hope, mercy and love of Christ for all people. Mundo de Paz a non denominational church and believe the Bible is the word of God, Jesus is the only way to heaven and believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Worship Services are on Fridays at 7:00 p.m. and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. at Richfield Lutheran Church in Minneapolis! (English translation provided on Sundays).

Our Lead Pastors are Tito Alvear and Maria Alvear, and Tito says Mundo de Paz is "a fresh time of praise and worship The Word of God and the fellowship with other believers. If anyone is in need of a place to worship God and learn of his word and mercy while enjoying listening to a Spanish service, Mundo De Paz is the place!"
What more information? Contact Richfield Lutheran Church today at INFORMATION@RICHFIELD-LUTHERAN.ORG
Like and Follow us on the Richfield Lutheran Church Facebook and Instagram accounts to stay up to date on upcoming Mundo de Paz Worship Services! You can also look at our Event Calendar. Links below: